Friday, February 1, 2013

First solo hike!

I'm so excited! I just planned my first solo day hike. Marridiv partner is going camping all weekend with the kiddo and I don't have a test the following week so it's time to make some plans! I'd love to go overnight but the tent and bag are going to be gone and I don't really have the proper gear anyway. It's a 10-miler somewhere in the Ouachita Forest (no specifics, hiker 101 anti-stalker rule!). I've got a pack, bringing 3L of water, a knife, duct tape, a few ziploc bags, tp, pb/j sammy, a few trail bars, whistle, fire starter, rain coat, map, wasp spray (works like mace/bear spray but shoots farther), first aid kit, camera, cell phone and a walking stick (don't have trekking poles yet). Keeping a change of clothes in the car and wearing as much non-cotton as possible. Any additional advice is welcome! Wish I still had Derby to come with me. He was such a great hiking buddy!  =(
My hiking buddy - I lost him last October at age 12 - Aussies rock!

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